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Bright and Sunny Toy Pictures!

Jack Rabbit Creations loves for their images to be taken outdoors, they love the feel of their images in nature and it helps them highlight the quality materials that they use in manufacturing. They print and use their spring catalog in winter so I had a fun time creating warm and happy images while it was snowing outside! For a few of the images that they were launching in the new catalog I purchased happy plants and took them outside, while a few I took with me on vacation to make sure I could get them outside in the correct environment.

These ocean pull back toys look amazing when pictured by a bright pool, the colors pop off of the neutral stone and the water makes the animals feel right at home. This lifestyle images will make customers feel that the happy little creatures would be right at home if they purchase them. This images will be used on their website and in their catalog for summer!

This fox jack in the box was their highlighted new product for the season and they really wanted him to be in the forest, so the fern was purchased in order to make the forest green! This little fox looks like he is ready to hop out of the trees and go home with a child. This images was used as their catalog cover for spring!

There were many more images for this shoot and I loved taking the white background and lifestyle images for the new season and new product launches. Charlie and Me Photography is a great solution for catalog images, e-commerce websites, and social media posts.

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