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New Year, New Photos

At the start of the new year most businesses are reviewing their goals for the coming year. Where they want to be, what numbers they would like to hit. It is a very fun time and a time to stretch and remember that growth is possible and can be FUN! There is a famous quote that by now I am sure you have hear "A goal without a plan is just a wish" - Antoine De Saint-Exupery. Your growth and profits are probably heavily tied to your marketing plan and I have a few tips for your 2023 year.

First, be intentional about social media. You may choose to post every day, you may choose to post every other day. Either way I suggest that you stay consistent and know what you are going to post before you do! This could be a mix of pictures from customers, reviews, and professional images or it could be a different combination that you choose. It will pay off to have your customers know what they should expect when they come to your pages.

Second, if you have one picture that is your absolute favorite and you use it everywhere; find a new one! If you have used it then your customers have seen it, so be sure to mix it up with the new year. Your product may look great and the colors are well balanced, but variety is important in the images your customers see. If you only have one image that is popping up everywhere your content will start to feel like a repeating ad and will not feel as genuine.

Third, be yourself when you email or speak with your customers. It may feel safe to sound generic and professional, but your customers will respond more positively if they can hear your voice in the words that you wright. Be sure to connect and share about yourself so they know who is emailing them! Keep it simple and they will know that you are emailing with a purpose and want to connect with your brand!

Forth, stay positive. There will be negativity in the world and there may be other brands that feel the need to post negatively or say negative things, but you don't need to be in that corner of the internet. If you want customers and followers that are happy people who love to be in your space then you need to make your space a happy place to be. This will make your day much more pleasant. There is no need to respond to negative comments, keep it happy (not in a fake way) and you will feel better about the growth you achieve.

Fifth, save yourself from the things that stress you out! If you spend most of your time doing something for your business that you do not enjoy, look into outsourcing or doing less of it. This could be the accounting or the photography. You could have someone take over your website or shipping and packing your product to send it out. Whatever it may be remember that you need to enjoy your business in order to enjoy the growth you earn! Don't wait to start enjoying your business.

Your goals are so achievable and I am so excited to follow along on your journey and see your success! Always remember that Charlie and Me Photography takes amazing images that can help you grow your brand with fresh images and new product photography.

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