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Product Photography Location Shoots

Updated: May 11, 2022

Many products look great photographed in a studio, they have simple uses and showing them in action requires nothing more than a model to hold, wear, or use it. These products can be shot anywhere in the world and they would look just as great, but for some products that just isn't the case. Once example of this would be products that are best used while camping. Camp chairs, lanterns, even some articles of clothing really shine when they are photographed outdoors. This makes the lives of small business owners incredibly difficult because not only do they need to take the photographs, but they now also feel the need to take the items to a new location. This is where we often see the backyard shot, when out of desperation and a lack of time the product has been photographed in a backyard.

The solution is to find a photographer that can take amazing pictures outdoors, and can take your product where it needs to go. As a brand photographer that is part of my job. Let me be the person that wakes up early to make sure the light is right for your outdoor pictures, you have a lot of things you can be doing instead. Location hunting, model finding. photo taking, and image editing are my specialties as a brand photographer and I find so much joy in it! Say goodbye to the backyard photoshoots with your phone, throwing the images online, and hoping people see the value in your product.

Remember, you have a lot of things you stress about on a daily basis, don't let your product images be one of those things. If you have the perfect image in your head of what you would like your images to look like, lets work together to make that dream a reality. Maybe it is a bright sunny location, camping or a playground. Wherever you see your product we can get it there and you don't have to be the one to do it.

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