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The Difference Between Stylized Images and Product Photos

Displaying your product the right way for the right platform is very important. Customers expect certain platforms to have the product displayed in the correct way; this may be subconscious, but if a product does not match the style of the platform it will look incorrect. Certain platforms such as Amazon will have clipped white backgrounds on the images with one lifestyle shot as the last image. Alternatively Instagram and other social media will be lifestyle shots with stylized flat lays. Etsy products are usually a plain product photo with a unique and textured background. It is important when having a product shoot that you know what platform you will be using the images for.

Product Image

A product image is intended to show the product from all angles that are important and to show the color and texture of the product. It should be appealing to look at, but not busy or distracting from what is being shown. When the image is edited it needs to be true to color so the customer will be satisfied when they receive their item. For a simple item, like a bow, the product images needed will be much fewer than something a little larger, like a playpen or toy. On most websites or other ecommerce sites these images will be shown first. So the customer can know what they are clicking on.

Stylized Flat Lay

A stylized image of the product is intended to show the product in a trendy way, it may include greenery, accessories, or other props in order to show the image in a way that the customer will enjoy. These images are used as accent images on websites, in emails sent to customers, on social media, or anywhere else they are needed. They can include only items sold by you or can include items from other vendors. For example if you sell only shoes the stylized images for those shoes can include outfits or toys that are not offered by your shop, but show the shoes in a fun and inspiring way.

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